Wednesday, December 23, 2015


Turns out Christmas with a kid old enough to care about it takes a lot more work than other sorts of Christmases, so I'm afraid there's no post this week.

There are still books though! Including the lovely new print editions of my Heartstriker Series! I realize it's a bit late for Christmas shopping (and super too late for Hanukkah), but in just in case you're still in a scramble, ebooks make great last minute gifts. Yanno, just sayin' ^__^

Thank you as always for reading, and I'll see you all next week for a year end wrap up. Happy holidays!



  1. Thank you for publishing the print copy of OGDDA. I gave it to my older daughter, a staunch paper-copy reader, this weekend as a late Christmas present and she's already blitzed through it. Now we get to start talking about it and comparing notes, though I'll have to refresh since I read the kindle version back in September. :)

  2. Christmas is a yearly occasion that commends the conception of Jesus. It alludes both to the day praising the conception, and also to the season which that day introduces, which finishes up with the Feast of the Epiphany. The date of the festival is conventional, and is not thought to be his genuine date of conception. Christmas merriments regularly join the recognition of Jesus' introduction to the world with different social traditions, a large portion of which have been affected by before winter celebrations. Albeit ostensibly a Christian occasion, it is likewise seen as a social occasion by numerous non-Christians.

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