Thursday, April 26, 2012

Getting closer!

The end of April is nearly upon us, and you know what that means...

THE SPIRIT WAR comes out in a little over a month! GASP!

After a year and a half, Eli's story finally continues, and boy, is he in for it this time! I won't post the blurb here since it's a little spoilery if you haven't read the first three books, but you can spoil yourself silly (and preorder ;) ) over on Amazon or the bookseller of your choice. And if you really can't wait, you can read the first three chapters on my site!

I'm going to be doing promotional stuff all month, including some big give aways, so keep your eyes peeled! I'll be announcing everything on Facebook and Twitter, so if you don't follow me there already, come say hi and get in the know to win some awesome stuff.

Are you excited? Because I am excessively pumped to finally get to share this book with you guys! Yay!


  1. Oh-h-h, bring it! I've been in painful suspense since finishing "Spirit Eater" in early March! Need... Eli... fix...

  2. Wow. I am SOOOO excited for this! I love the cover art, and I can't wait to see what Josef's story is. He's been my favorite from the start, and we finally get some background on him! Yay!

    Also, saw the cover on your page for Spirit's End and HOMG that cover is GORGEOUS. Seriously gorgeous. Whoever designed that beauty deserves an award of some kind.

    Just one question. Is this book in the same mass-market paperback size as the first three books were? If not, will it be coming out in the mass-market size? The continuity of the covers isn't something I want so much as the continuity for the size, and I'd had to wait and wait and not be able to read Spirit War because it's the wrong size book.

    Anyway, looking forward to Spirit War and Spirit's End, and Josef! Yay yay yay!

  3. Hello Murphy!

    All the new books are going to be trade paper back sized, like the omnibus. This is totally my fault! Both Spirit's End and Spirit War are 170k words long, which is just too long for mass market (no book spine can take that kind of abuse!). And since Orbit was doing a redesign of the series anyway, it just made sense to move up to the larger format. I'm totally aware this breaks people's sets, and I'm really sorry about that. But the new books are going to look really amazing, and you'll totally be getting your money's worth for the larger story. Sorry again, and I hope it won't be too much of a problem!
