Monday, June 11, 2012

In which I talk... ON THE INTERNET!

First up, I just want to say a huge thank you to everyone who bought and reviewed THE SPIRIT WAR! You guys rock my world hard core! I've had a lot of requests for a sample of SPIRIT'S END, the final novel, and I'll be putting that up as we get closer to November. Promise! Thank you all again for being so awesome, and remember, if you read a book and have an opinion, please review! Good or bad, every review goes a long long way to helping authors.

Okay, now for writing news!

I've been a busy girl these past few weeks, but two of my favorite projects both just came out at once. First, I did a really awesome podcast interview with the guys from The First Million Words about plotting, going faster, world development, all kinds of stuff! The questions were really insightful and I had a ton of fun. Get under some headphones and listen at work. If your boss asks, tell him/her you're learning about efficiency.

The other thing that just came out is my interview with Verbose Veracity. It was a very good interview where we dug deep into such weighty topics as tropes, keeping the excitement up for your work even when you're really sick of it, and beating writer's block.

Tons of thanks to the guys at First Million words and E.F. Jace at Verbose Veracity for putting up with my incredibly long winded answers. The proved what I've been saying all along: that I can and will talk shop forever.

Thank you to everyone and I really hope you enjoy!

- R

1 comment:

  1. Some blogs have info about different campuses around the world, like this one for example. Good luck with it
