Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Writing Wednesday: VACATION!


awww yeaaaaaaaah
The launch of One Good Dragon Deserves Another is officially the best I've ever had! I actually got all the way to #112 in the Kindle Store, but I don't have a screen shot of that one :(. Still, this is higher than I've ever gotten on a launch day, and I owe it all to YOU! Thank you SO MUCH to everyone who bought the book!! You guys make all of this possible, and I really can't thank you enough!

And speaking of launch, the run up to this one has been crazy! Now, though, everything is finished and my kiddo is with his grandparents this week, so the powers that be here at Casa de Aaron/Bach have decreed that I need to take some time off. (AKA: Husband prying my fingers off my laptop and carting me away for fresh air and sunshine in the mountains).

Alas, this means there will be no new Writing Wednesday post this week, but that doesn't mean there's nothing to read! I've been doing this writing thing for a long time now, and I have years of content saved up just for your reading pleasure. I also sometimes write posts for other people that might have slipped under the radar.

So, to help tide you over until next week, here's a list of Rachel writing/authorship/ruminations on the genre posts that you won't find my blog:

5 Rachel Guest Posts You Won't Find on Pretentious Title

Guest Post for Magical Words - Loving Your Novel: a post about falling in love with your book again, even when you're mad at it.

IndieReCon Post - Words are Cheap: My original follow-up post from 2k to 10k about how writing faster completely changed my outlook on the creative process.

Guest Post for The Book Smugglers' SFF in Conversation Series - Upsetting the Default: I don my Rachel Bach SF hat and talk about writing a badass lady in a genre where "badass" is usually male.

Orbit Books Post - Elizabeth Moon interviews Rachel Aaron: Probably the coolest thing I have ever done! My publisher, Orbit Books, arranged for me to do an interview swap with my hero and SFF legend, Elizabeth Moon! (My half where I interview her is here. I am still squeeing!)

Guest Post for Kalayna Price - The New Golden Age: My awesome friend (and awesome writer) Kalayna Price invited me to talk on her blog. I respond with a post about how we're living in a golden age of genre!

Hopefully there's something you haven't read in that list! Thank you all again for stopping by, and I'll be back next week rested and refreshed and ready to talk the final parts of plotting a series!

Until then, keep writing (and reading!)



Kai Herbertz said...

Hi Rachel,

awesome! Congratulations on the fantastic launch! On an unrelated side note, I just found out that those kindle ratings are separated by region, so you'd have a different rating in the .com store than in the .de store.
Enjoy your mini vacation! Time off is awesome and one week is a great duration (anything over 1.5 weeks becomes a bit tedious, imho, ymmv).

All the best,


Beth said...

Congratulations on the great launch! When I purchased my copy, it was at #1 in YA Ebook Fantasy, or something like that-- sadly I can't recall the exact category anymore. Either way, I'm glad to see your books doing so well!

Avon said...

Will One Good Dragon Deserves Another be published in paperback too? And if so, when please? Thanks :-)

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